Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh and his achievements in defense diplomacy

Thượng tướng Nguyễn Chí Vịnh phát biểu tại Đối thoại Shangri-La ở Singapore.
Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh spoke at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.
(PLVN) -In the early morning of September 14, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh, former member of the Party Central Committee and former Deputy Minister of National Defense, passed away from a serious illness. His 64 years of life, more than 40 years of military service, have left many important legacies in the fields of defense intelligence, defense foreign affairs and contributed to building a regular and modern Vietnam People's Army.

The general has a strategic vision

After a period of serious illness, despite dedicated care and treatment, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh passed away at 1:17 a.m. on September 14, 2023, at his home in Hanoi.

Yesterday morning (September 18), at the National Funeral House (No. 5 Tran Thanh Tong, Hanoi), the Party Central Committee, Central Military Commission - Ministry of National Defense and family held a solemn visitation ceremony. Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh followed the high-level funeral rites. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, former General Secretary Nong Duc Manh... sent wreaths.

Lễ tang Thượng tướng Nguyễn Chí Vịnh. ảnh 1
Funeral of Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh.

With emotion and grief, delegations of the Party, State, National Assembly, Army and central and local departments, branches and organizations; representatives of agencies, units, academies, schools... under the Ministry of National Defense; International delegations... visited Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh.

Permanent Secretary of the Secretariat Truong Thi Mai wrote in the condolence book: "Comrade has made many important contributions to intelligence work, defense foreign affairs, and contributed to building a regular and modern Army; Great contribution to the Party, State and people. More than 40 years in the military, always preserving and promoting revolutionary family traditions; In any position, we always uphold responsibility, enthusiasm, and dedication to assigned tasks."

Mourning Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh and deeply condolences to his family, President Vo Van Thuong wrote: "You are a general with strategic vision to make many contributions to the common cause of the Party and people." and the Army, especially in the fields of intelligence and defense foreign affairs.

In the condolence book, General Phan Van Giang, Politburo member, Minister of National Defense, wrote: "The Central Military Commission - Ministry of National Defense and the officers and soldiers of the People's Army deeply mourn Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen." Chi Vinh. For nearly half a century of revolutionary activities, no matter what position he holds, he always upholds the qualities of "Uncle Ho's soldiers" and communist party members, wholeheartedly serving the Fatherland and serving the Fatherland. people; excellently complete all tasks assigned by the Party, State, Army and people. He is an exemplary officer, commander, and general of the Army, cunning, courageous, creative, decisive, and has contributed greatly to the cause of building the Army and the defense intelligence sector. protect the Fatherland and carry out international missions in Cambodia; Live honestly, modestly, simply, compassionately, closely, love comrades, teammates and be close to everyone. You are a shining example for officers and soldiers of the entire army to study and follow. Farewell to comrades, officers and soldiers, the entire army expressed infinite condolences; I would like to offer incense to bid you farewell to your final resting place and send my sincere condolences to all of your family."

Refused to go abroad, asked to join the battlefield

Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh, born May 15, 1957 (working age), real age May 15, 1959; Hometown: Quang Tho commune, Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province; Residence: 74 Tan Nhue Street, Thuy Phuong Ward, Bac Tu Liem District, Hanoi.

He is the son of the late General Nguyen Chi Thanh, former member of the Politburo, former Chairman of the General Department of Politics of the People's Army, "a general of the farmers, of the people's hearts, and of the people's love".

Chủ tịch nước Võ Văn Thưởng và Thường trực Ban Bí thư Trương Thị Mai ghi sổ tang. ảnh 2
President Vo Van Thuong and Permanent Secretary of the Secretariat Truong Thi Mai wrote the funeral book.

Lieutenant General Vinh joined the army in October 1976. In August 1983, he graduated from the Information Technical Command Officer School, now the University of Information and Communications, with the rank of Lieutenant. As the son of a high-ranking official, he was specially sent to study in the Soviet Union, but he refused and asked to go to the Cambodian battlefield. Lieutenant Nguyen Chi Vinh was assigned to Group 817, an intelligence unit that directly performs tasks in the Cambodian battlefield.

Growing up through many positions in the defense intelligence industry (TBQP), in November 1999, he was appointed Deputy Director General of the General Department of Defense Intelligence, then held the position of General Director. In March 2009, Lieutenant General Vinh was appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of Defense and General Director of the General Department of National Defense. From the end of 2009, he ceased to hold the concurrent position of Director General of the General Department of National Defense.

During his 12 years in charge of Deputy Minister of National Defense in charge of foreign affairs, Senior Lieutenant General Vinh was not only the architect of defense foreign policy planning but also directly directed the organization and implementation of important activities. this important.

Senior Lieutenant General Vinh was the first person to publicly speak about Vietnam's "3 no" defense policy in 2010: Do not join military alliances, do not be a military ally of any country, do not allow Any country has a military base in Vietnam and does not rely on one country to fight another.

Lieutenant General Vinh advised the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense to deploy construction and put Cam Ranh International Port into operation, becoming a specific and vivid symbol of the "4 No's" defense policy and "1 depends" on Vietnam today. (“4 nos” are: Do not join military alliances; do not associate with one country to fight another country; do not allow foreign countries to set up military bases or use Vietnamese territory to fight other countries; do not use use force or threaten to use force in international relations; "depending" is: Depending on the evolution of the situation and under specific conditions, we will consider developing defense relationships , military necessity at an appropriate level on the basis of respect for each other's independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity).

One of the outstanding achievements in Senior Lieutenant General Vinh's career is playing an important role in helping Vietnam take the initiative to establish the ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting (ADMM) and the Expanded ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting (ADMM). ADMM+). Through ADMM, ADMM+, one of the regional and international cooperation on defense, so that when there is mutual understanding, it is a factor to ensure peace preservation in the region and contribute to peace. peace in the world.

As an "architect" of regional security cooperation, Senior Lieutenant General Vinh has constantly promoted dialogue and fostered trust between countries in an effort to resolve challenges facing the region. He attended and gave impressive speeches at the Shangri-La Dialogue, the largest and most important defense-security dialogue forum in the region.

Senior Lieutenant General Vinh put a lot of effort and made important contributions to Vietnam's participation in United Nations peacekeeping operations (PKO). The results achieved by Vietnam's United Nations peacekeeping force are highly appreciated in many important fields, participating in solving international problems.

With neighboring countries sharing common borders such as China, Laos, and Cambodia, Senior Lieutenant General Vinh has had initiatives and proposals to promote coordination and mutual understanding, leading to building relationships with neighboring countries. countries on the basis of defense cooperation is very important.

Lieutenant General Vinh has made great contributions to promoting cooperative activities between Vietnam and the United States to overcome the consequences of war in Vietnam. Both official diplomatic activities and the application of "people's diplomacy" through relationships with prominent figures in US politics such as Senator Patrick Leahy, Senator John McCain, and Senior Lieutenant General Vinh have plays an important role in successfully implementing the dioxin pollution treatment project at Da Nang airport, promoting the dioxin treatment project at Bien Hoa airport.

He is also the person who directs media activities as a bridge and promotes the search for information and remains of US soldiers missing in the war, a focus of Vietnam's foreign policy. Nam in its relationship with the United States…

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