Be more drastic in patrolling and strictly handle violations of traffic order and safety

Quyết liệt hơn trong công tác tuần tra, xử lý nghiêm vi phạm trật tự an toàn giao thông
(PLVN) - At the meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Traffic Safety Committee, held yesterday afternoon (September 19) in Hanoi. Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang requested the functional forces to be more drastic in patrolling, controlling, and strictly handling violations of traffic order and safety.

According to the Traffic Police Department (Ministry of Public Security), from December 15, 2022 to September 14, 2023, there were 8,333 traffic accidents nationwide, killing 4,763 people, injuring 5,802 people, a decrease of 194 cases ( -2,28%), down 124 deaths (-2,54%), up 161 injuries (+2,85%), compared to the same period in 2022.

Traffic accidents mainly occurred on roads, with 8,237 cases, killing 4,695 people, injuring 5,777 people, down 184 cases (-2,19%), down 94 deaths (-1,96%), up 158 people injured (+2,81%) compared to the same period in 2022.

Notably, the number of traffic accidents caused by vehicle drivers violating alcohol concentration regulations during peak periods has decreased sharply compared to previous years.

The number of traffic jams and congestion on key traffic routes during peak periods has been sharply reduced compared to the same period in 2022; The situation of vehicle tonnage violations and vehicle body expansion violations in localities have been fundamentally handled.

Quyết liệt hơn trong công tác tuần tra, xử lý nghiêm vi phạm trật tự an toàn giao thông
Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang requested the authorities to be more drastic in patrolling, controlling and strictly handling traffic safety violations. (Photo: VGP)

However, besides the results achieved, the work of ensuring traffic order and safety in the first 9 months of 2023 still has some limitations such as: a number of serious traffic accidents occurred, causing The deaths and injuries of many people caused anger in public opinion; Violations of traffic safety corridors on roads, railways, maritime channels, and inland waterways are still complicated.

The situation of gathering, driving in groups, and showing signs of illegal racing also occurs in some localities; Traffic congestion in large cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City tends to become increasingly complicated...

The cause of the above problems is due to the weak awareness of compliance with legal regulations on traffic order and safety on the part of traffic participants, drivers and business owners. In addition, Party Committees and authorities in some localities still lack drastic direction, and in some places rely entirely on functional forces.

Funding for traffic safety assurance is still limited, especially funding for maintenance and overcoming black spots on traffic accidents on the infrastructure network.

The effectiveness of law enforcement on traffic safety and regulations in some localities is still limited; The coordination in implementing tasks to ensure traffic safety between agencies and forces is sometimes not tight, especially in checking the implementation of traffic safety regulations for road transport business units. road, inland waterway.

At the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang highly appreciated the results achieved in reducing traffic accidents on all three criteria, especially from 2011 to present. At the same time, he emphasized that this is a great effort of both the Central Government and localities because changing people's thinking and consciousness is very difficult while transport infrastructure has made many advances but has not kept up with demand. and are facing the rapid and serious effects of climate change.

In the coming time, the Deputy Prime Minister requested the functional forces to be more drastic in patrolling, controlling, and strictly handling traffic safety violations. At the same time, it is recommended to continue to review and improve current regulations on traffic safety and regulations; Strengthen the application of information technology in management work; Complete the development of sector plans and plans of the remaining localities according to regulations.

The Deputy Prime Minister also emphasized the need to research to legislate the impact assessment of social infrastructure projects on urban traffic to avoid traffic congestion in urban areas.

Regarding coordination between functional forces, the Deputy Prime Minister said this is still the weakest step, so it is necessary to develop regulations to coordinate the implementation of each specific task.

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